- Make sure the marriage is over before pursuing divorce. Once you begin to take those steps, everything changes.
- Get a Divorce Coach or Therapist NOW! You need someone who can help you deal with your emotions so you will be able to think clearly and make good decisions. A Therapist works on your past and what brought you to the place you’re at while a Divorce Coach works on the present and getting you through the process and afterward.
- Take control of the divorce process. Become an informed participant. The more you know, the better it will serve you through the process.
- Put your kids first! Do what is best for the kids, even if it hurts you. Divorce can have a traumatic effect on children with repercussions for the rest of their lives.
- Get good Legal advice and build a support team of professionals. Have an outline of your strategy in mind and a detailed written plan on paper. Preparation is key. A Divorce Coach, financial experts, parenting coordinators and attorneys can educate you the many solutions available.
- GOLDEN RULE – Do not speak negatively about your soon to be Ex with your children. Once your divorce is over, it does not end your co=parenting relationship. If you attach him/her, you are attacking your children too.
- Don’t wear out your family and friends, and be careful who you listen to. You family and friends love you, but you can easily wear them out with your “divorce story”. If you lean on them for support, just don’t rely on them to give you legitimate divorce advice. A Divorce Coach can give you clarity and advice while being unbiased.
- Don’t use your lawyer or Divorce Coach as a Therapist. Lawyers are trained in LAW, not emotions. Use your divorce professionals properly to get the best results.
- Be kind to yourself. Divorce is tough, so don’t make it worse by letting your health go down the tubes. Treat yourself with love and kindness
- Don’t fight, it’s not worth it. It will cost you more time, money and emotional energy than you could ever imagine. Do whatever you have to to settle your case amicably. Your children will than you!